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Hmmm... So why does my programmers calculator, Go, _javascript_, etc, etc all return -3 in this case?Personally I think it's a bug, as "2" is not the correct result for that _expression_ (in any language but Lua it seems).On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 6:40 PM, Soni L. <fakedme@gmail.com> wrote:First of all your modulo is not my modulo (or at least this was a thing back in C89... looks like it isn't in C99+).On 24/01/17 09:21 PM, Milo Christiansen wrote:
In Lua 5.3 "-3%5 == 2", according to my programmers calculator and several other programing languages I tried this _expression_ in, the real result is -3.
On the other hand "5%-3 == 2", so maybe the result is correct, and the bug is simply reversed operands if one is negative?
I discovered this because I am adding tests (based on the official Lua tests) to my Go Lua VM, and one of the tests failed because the incorrect result is coded into the test.
Secondly, -3%5 == 2 because floor(-3/5) = -1, and (-1)*5+2 = -5+2 = -3.
See also:
https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/divisio n-and-modulus-for-computer-sci entists/
http://hisham.hm/2015/04/18/a-small-practical-example-where- luas-behavior-is-better-than-c s/
etc. This is an endless argument.
Thirdly, in case you're still reading this for some unknown reason, RTFM always applies:
"Modulo is defined as the remainder of a division that rounds the quotient towards minus infinity (floor division)."
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