You probably have to open your output file in binary mode too. eg: c,s,f=io.read(),string.len(d),io.open(a,"wb")Otherwise 0x0A will be interpreted as line end and a line end sequence will be inserted in your output file depending on the os you are running your scipt on. (eg: 0x0D, 0x0A on windows).
Ulrich. Am 25.12.2016 um 08:23 schrieb Creation Elemental:
So this worked for the 1A but it didn't fix the problem with 0A. Help? On Sat, Dec 24, 2016 at 12:12 AM Ulrich Schmidt <u.sch.zw@gmx.de <mailto:u.sch.zw@gmx.de>> wrote: You need to open the file in "binary mode" eg: k,g,c=io.read(),1,io.open(a,"rb") Ulrich.