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Am 03.11.2016 um 20:41 schröbte Sean Conner:
It was thus said that the Great Russell Haley once stated:

Moreover, I haven't seen a single Lua package from Luarocks or
LuaForge or Github that was not MIT or more liberal

There are a lot of different licenses on Here you go ...


return {
  ["GPL2+"] = 3,
  ["Apache 2.0"] = 51,
  ["Apache 2"] = 4,
  ["MIT X11"] = 5,
  ["zlib/libpng"] = 2,
  ["The PHP License"] = 1,
  ["EPL/EDL"] = 6,
  ["MIT"] = 1103,
  ["UNLICENCE"] = 2,
  ["Apache License, Version 2.0"] = 2,
  ["MIT <>"] = 326,
  ["EPL + MIT"] = 8,
  ["LGPL v3"] = 1,
  ["ICS"] = 1,
  ["MIT/X"] = 3,
  ["GNU GPL v3"] = 4,
  ["LGP-v3"] = 1,
  ["Apache License 2.0"] = 5,
  ["Apache v2"] = 8,
  ["MIT/X11, GPLv3+"] = 2,
  ["Apache v2.0"] = 5,
  ["MIT+LGPL"] = 1,
  ["GPL-2+"] = 1,
  ["MIT/PerimeterX"] = 4,
  ["MIT/X11"] = 1448,
  ["MIT <>"] = 40,
  ["NCSA (BSD-like)"] = 4,
  ["LGPLv3"] = 8,
  ["BSD-3-Clause"] = 1,
  ["AGPL-3"] = 1,
  ["GNU General Public License"] = 1,
  ["CC0"] = 10,
  ["LGPL v2.1"] = 1,
  ["Apache License"] = 1,
  ["Public domain, MIT"] = 3,
  ["APLv2"] = 2,
  ["GNU General Public License Version 2"] = 1,
  ["This module is licensed under the BSD license."] = 1,
  ["Two-clause BSD"] = 3,
  ["Tcl License + MIT/X11"] = 1,
  ["GPL-3"] = 214,
  ["Apache-2.0"] = 8,
  ["GNU LGPL"] = 3,
  ["MIT/X11 + PSF License Agreement for Python 3.4.3"] = 2,
  ["public domain"] = 3,
  ["WTF"] = 3,
  ["4-clause BSD"] = 2,
  ["GPL"] = 19,
  ["GNU LGPL v3"] = 10,
  ["BSD 3-Clause"] = 14,
  ["MIT/X11, MIT"] = 2,
  ["BSD 3-clause"] = 5,
  ["ISC"] = 13,
  ["2-clause BSD"] = 16,
  ["GNU/GPL 3"] = 2,
  ["Apache License Version 2"] = 5,
  ["BSD"] = 143,
  ["Eclipse public license"] = 1,
  [""] = 2,
  ["The MIT License"] = 5,
  ["WTFPL2"] = 2,
  ["New BSD License"] = 2,
  ["Apache-2.0 <>"] = 2,
  ["LGPL3+"] = 1,
  ["LGPL-3"] = 7,
  ["GPLv2"] = 2,
  ["None"] = 5,
  ["X11"] = 2,
  ["LGPL 2.1"] = 4,
  ["Apache"] = 27,
  ["MIT/X license"] = 5,
  ["Simplified BSD license"] = 3,
  ["Artistic-2.0"] = 5,
  ["MPL"] = 1,
  ["GNU GPLv3"] = 3,
  ["Modified BSD"] = 5,
  ["GNU General Public License version 2 or later"] = 5,
  ["GPL v3"] = 9,
  ["GPL 2"] = 1,
  ["GPLv3"] = 14,
  ["GPL-compatible"] = 1,
  ["EPL"] = 5,
  ["CC"] = 3,
  ["GPL v2"] = 1,
  ["BSD2"] = 13,
  ["LGPLv2"] = 5,
  ["Public Domain"] = 24,
  ["Apache2"] = 5,
  ["Unlicense"] = 3,
  ["LGPL"] = 27,
  ["Apache V2.0"] = 1,
  ["3-clause BSD"] = 13,
  ["The Happy License"] = 1,
  ["GPLv3+"] = 28,
  ["BSD 2-Clause license"] = 2,
  ["Public domain"] = 73,
  ["GPL2"] = 6,
  ["LGPL+"] = 6,