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> On 05 Oct 2016, at 19:21, Hisham <> wrote:
> On 5 October 2016 at 13:00, Thijs Schreijer <> wrote:
>> Just a broad question, for those going to the workshop next week. Are there any community things to be discussed, besides the workshop?
>> Things that come to mind are;
>> - LuaRocks features (user trees, namespacing, etc, recently discussed on Gitter)
>> - maintenance of LuaSocket (Diego is not on the participants list, but maybe there are some good proposals how to proceed)
>> Anyway, let me know if anything is needed so I can see whether we can facilitate it at the Mashape office.
> I did propose a general "ecosystem roundtable" discussion, but I don't
> know if it will make it to the program. In any case, I hope to spur
> some conversation about LuaRocks in my talk (in fact, I think that's
> its primary purpose!).
> -- Hisham

Well, the program is up on the site. You’re last on the first day, so that would make it easy to append it to your talk, for those interested. Would that do?
