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It was thus said that the Great Soni L. once stated:
> Let's say I have a pattern `pat`.
> If I do `Ct(Cg(pat, 0) * Cg(Ct(Cg(Cb(0), "tag")), 0))`, and `pat` 
> matches, do I get `{[0] = result_of_pat}` or do I get `{[0] = 
> {tag=result_of_pat}}` or do I get an error?

  Did you try it?  That's what I tend to do and figure out why I got the
result I did.

> Also, are LPeg patterns evaluated left-to-right? (The Lua reference 
> manual isn't very clear on that...)

  They are evaluated in the order of mathematical precedence (* before +, ^
before *, etc).  Also, it's an ordered search.  So:

	a = lpeg.P"aaab"
	  + lpeg.P"aaac"
	  + lpeg.P"aaad"
	  + lpeg.P"a"

is tried in the order seen, and the first match terminates the expression
and returns the match.
