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> | On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 10:11 AM, Pavel Drotar <> wrote:
> | > People in this mailing list are able to talk whole days about missing
> | "continue" command or stupid holes in tables?
> | 
> | Man, it bothers me too. It isn't representative of most happy users of
> | language, but the question is, how do people get over the difficulties
> | become happy users?

I think you both misread this: people obsess about the tiny imperfections in
Lua precisely because they are very happy users. It is because Lua is
already so very good that people think it has a shot at perfection.
Personally I would never bother to contribute to a discussion about
improving JavaScript because it is such a steaming mess that I would not
know where to start. Only Forth is worse, and it at least is interestingly