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在 2016/7/4 18:41, Viacheslav Usov 写道:
On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 4:19 AM, 书呆彭, Peng Yi < <>> wrote:

> the fact that `lua_tolstring` also accept a number value is just a side effect of the way Lua coerce number and string.

Fair enough. Then the question is, why is coercion of Boolean into string is not part of the language?

Unless I am missing something, that seems rather arbitrary to me.


well I don't know the exact rationale about the coerce, but it's what Lua is currently like.
I guess it was there for convenience. also there were many discussion on this topic before.[*]

personally I always use `tostring` and `tonumber` explicitly in my own code. admittedly it
could feel verbose and even boring at times, but I'm OK with it.

for example, this is legal in Lua:
    a, b = 1, 2
    c = a .. b

    x, y = '3', '4'
    z = x + y

but I always do it this way:
    c = tostring(a) .. tostring(b)
    z = tonumber(x) + tonumber(y)

or like this:
    a, b = tostring(a), tostring(b)
    c = a .. b
    x, y = tonumber(x), tonumber(y)
    z = x + y


the nerdy Peng / 书呆彭 / Sent from Thunderbird