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LPegLabel is an extension of the LPeg library that provides an
implementation of Parsing _expression_ Grammars (PEGs) with
labeled failures, which can be used to signal different kinds of errors.

Version 0.12.2-2 of LPegLabel is a conservative extension of LPeg 0.12.2.
A version of LPegLabel that extends LPeg 1.0 should be released soon.

You can download the source (and some documentation) from GitHub
( or install LPegLabel through LuaRocks:
luarocks install lpeglabel

As part of a GSoc project (,
Matthew Allen Go rewrote the "re" module (actually the "relabel" module) to improve
error reporting when compiling LPeg patterns.

Any feedback about LPegLabel and about Matthew's work is welcome.
