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> 1. What is the detailed implementation and algorithm of the hash part of
> table?

As the paper says, the details are in reference [3]:

  3.  R. P. Brent. Reducing the retrieval time of scatter storage techniques.
  Communications of the ACM, 16(2):105–109, 197

It is a "chained scatter table" with this Brent's variation. (Mainly,
when inserting an element, if there is a secondary collision, the
original element is moved to somewhere else and the new element
is stored in its correct hash.)

Thank you a lot! :)  I'll try to read.

> 2. "in the JavaVM, goto and branch instructions use a two-byte
> displacement." is ... what?

What is your question here?

in page 12, Sec.7

Kawahara Satoru
College of Information Science
University of Tsukuba