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I really learned a lot about Luv from the article. 

I have a couple simple questions, Is the `lit install ... creationix/uv ...` redundant? I don't need that if I LuaRocks installed "luv" correct? This was just for the example.
Also why did we need LuaBitOpts installed. It is not used in any of the examples? If it is a dependency for luv why not include that in your LuaRocks dependency list?

Thanks again.


On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 11:12 AM, Andrew Starks <> wrote:

On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 13:22 Tim Caswell <> wrote:
For a while I've been promising a blog post explaining how luvit and lit packages can be used with plain lua or luajit (as opposed to the luvit binary).  It's finally out.

Pure Luv - Using Luvit Without Luvit

-Tim Caswell


This is very helpful. Thanks, Tim.