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Hi Scott,

I am handling this such that all texts in the source code are wrapped by a function call to i18n() like:

    print( i18n("Hello World!"))

The translation table i18ntext and the i18n() function

function i18n( key, default ) return i18ntext[ key ] or default or key end

is loaded by the Lua applet using require("i18n")
Missing text is replaced by a default, if given, or the key itself if not.

I use a similar pattern for the JavaScript components as well; both refer to the same text table.

I can create automatically (using a Lua script, what else :) ) the translation table which has the native (English) text as key, and the translation (or in the beginning the key again) as value.
It simply searches the Lua files with:

for quote, key in text:gmatch( "i18n%s*[(]%s*([\"\'])(.-)%1" ) do
                set[key] = key

to find the set of unique texts, which it then cross-checks against the active translation table


Stuff like:
  * One big file with all translation, or separate files per language/region?
  * Pull in via require, or some hand rolled loader?
  * Use raw tables, meta-table object, or a function call to access the text?
  * ID the texts via a native language value, or some unique ID number?
  * Finding all locations of translated texts in code base to send off
for translation
