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Automatically generate a custom command-line option parser from just the long-form
help text for your program.

I am happy to announce release 1.1.1 of optparse.

Optparse's home page is at, with documentation

This was the option parser I originally wrote for Specl, and later donated to
lua-stdlib.  I’m in the process of slimming down lua-stdlib in preparation for the next
release though, part of which means that you can now use optparse without requiring the
installation of all of stdlib.

This release accounts for the change of namespace with std.strict.

Install it with LuaRocks, using:

   luarocks install optparse 1.1.1

## Noteworthy changes in release 1.1.1 (2016-02-07) [stable]

### Bug fixes

  - Update for change in std.strict module path.

### Incompatible changes

  - `optparse._VERSION` is now `optparse.version` for consistency with
    other former stdlib modules.