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Hello, everyone!

I'm very happy to announce lua-filesize, Lua library to generate a
human readable string describing the file size [1].

    Install: luarocks install lua-filesize
    License: MIT
    Version: 0.1.1
    Lua compatibility: Lua >= 5.1, LuaJIT >= 2.0

This library was inspired by filesize.js [2].

This library installs a single module called filesize. It is
represented with a function of the same name. Principally it takes an
integer (filesize) and returns a human readable string describing the
file size.

filesize() accepts an optional second argument options of type table,
so you can customize the output.

  * base (number)
    Number base, default is 2

  * bits (boolean)
    Enables bit sizes, default is false

  * exponent (number)
    Specifies the SI suffix via exponent, e.g. 2 is MB for
    bytes, default is -1

  * output (string)
    Output of function (array, exponent, object, or string),
    default is string

  * round (number)
    Decimal place, default is 2

  * spacer (string)
    Character between the result and suffix, default is " "

  * suffixes (table)
    Dictionary of SI suffixes to replace for localization,
    defaults to english if no match is found

  * unix (boolean)
    Enables unix style human readable output, e.g. ls -lh,
    default is false


> filesize = require 'filesize'
> filesize(500)
"500 B"
> filesize(500, {bits = true})
"3.91 Kb"
> filesize(265318)
"259.1 KB"
> filesize(265318, {base = 10})
"265.32 kB"
> filesize(265318, {round = 0})
"259 KB"
> filesize(265318, {output = "array"})
{ 259.1, "KB" }
> filesize(265318, {output = "object"})
  value = 259.1,
  suffix = "KB",
> filesize(1, {suffixes = {B = "Б"}})
"1 Б"
> filesize(1024)
"1 KB"
> filesize(1024, {exponent = 0})
"1024 B"
> filesize(1024, {output = "exponent"})

This library was written for my pastebin-like site [3] implemented in Lapis.

Code: 114 sloc
Tests: 297 sloc
Code coverage by tests: 100% lines of code.
Code and tests are based on filesize.js [2].

Please report bugs using GitHub issues.



Best regards,
Boris Nagaev