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It would be more useful if you give concrete data, instead of generic
claims. Which/where floating point functions are used in the code? Which
constants? Why they are difficult to be corrected through the
configuration file?

I have included the complete error log below. The errors I get are related to standard float functions such as floor, freexp, etc. I see you wrap all of these calls in macro l_mathop, but I do not see how I can cirumvent the use of the floating point library calls by modifying l_mathop (i.e. by only modifying the config file). You can also see from the log below the errors I get on math contants such as HUGE_VAL, DBL_MANT_DIG, etc..

Of course, the best solution for you is to get your specific needs
fulfilled (that seems to be an univeral truth). The best solution for us
may involve some other metric.

-- Roberto

Yes, I do understand Roberto, but I would think a "non float" option would be very common feature that fits many Lua use cases.


The errors:

(Note: the missing prototype errors are not from not including the correct header file. The functions simply do not exist in the C library).

### mwccmcf Compiler:
#    File: R:\src\plugins\lua\lobject.c
# -------------------------------------
#     112:     case LUA_OPPOW: return  ((void)L, l_mathop(pow)( v1, v2));
#   Error:                                                    ^
#   function has no prototype
### mwccmcf Compiler:
#     113:  (l_mathop(floor)((( v1)/( v2))))
#   Error:                  ^
#   function has no prototype
### mwccmcf Compiler:
# 117: { ( m) = l_mathop(fmod)( v1, v2); if (( m)*( v2) < 0) ( m) += ( v2); };
#   Error:                               ^
#   function has no prototype
### mwccmcf Compiler:
#     241:   return l_mathop(ldexp)(r, e);
#   Error:          ^^^^^^^^
#   function has no prototype
### mwccmcf Compiler:
#     255:     *result =  strtod((s), ( &endptr));
#   Error:                      ^
#   function has no prototype

### mwccmcf Compiler:
#    File: R:\src\plugins\lua\lstrlib.c
# -------------------------------------
# 826: lua_Number dd = l_mathop(floor)(x); /* get integer part from 'x' */
#   Error:                   ^^^^^^^^
#   function has no prototype
### mwccmcf Compiler:
# 834: if (x != x || x == HUGE_VAL || x == -HUGE_VAL) /* inf or NaN? */
#   Error:                      ^^^^^^^^
#   undefined identifier 'HUGE_VAL'
### mwccmcf Compiler:
# 843: lua_Number m = l_mathop(frexp)(x, &e); /* 'x' fraction and exponent */
#   Error:                    ^^^^^^^^
#   function has no prototype
### mwccmcf Compiler:
#     850: (DBL_MANT_DIG)
#   Error:              ^
#   undefined identifier 'DBL_MANT_DIG'
### mwccmcf Compiler:
#     851: (DBL_MANT_DIG)
#   Error:              ^
#   undefined identifier 'DBL_MANT_DIG'
### mwccmcf Compiler:
#     971:  (DBL_MAX_10_EXP)
#   Error:                 ^
#   undefined identifier 'DBL_MAX_10_EXP'

Errors caused tool to abort.
### mwccmcf Compiler:
#    File: R:\src\plugins\lua\ltable.c
# ------------------------------------
#     102:   n = l_mathop(frexp)(n, &i) * -cast_num(INT_MIN);
#   Error:       ^^^^^^^^
#   function has no prototype

### mwccmcf Compiler:
#    File: R:\src\plugins\lua\lvm.c
# ---------------------------------
#      99:     lua_Number f =  (l_mathop(floor)(n));
#   Error:                                     ^
#   function has no prototype
### mwccmcf Compiler:
#     270: (DBL_MANT_DIG)
#   Error:              ^
#   undefined identifier 'DBL_MANT_DIG'
### mwccmcf Compiler:
#     289: (DBL_MANT_DIG)
#   Error:              ^
#   undefined identifier 'DBL_MANT_DIG'
### mwccmcf Compiler:
# 951: { ( m) = l_mathop(fmod)( nb, nc); if (( m)*( nc) < 0) ( m) += ( nc); };
#   Error:                                   ^
#   function has no prototype
### mwccmcf Compiler:
# 966: ); val_(io).n=( ((void)L, (floor((( nb)/( nc)))))); settt_(io, LUA_TNUMFLT); };
#   Error:                                 ^
#   function has no prototype
### mwccmcf Compiler:
# 976: (ra); val_(io).n=( ((void)L, pow( nb, nc))); settt_(io, LUA_TNUMFLT); };
#   Error:                                 ^
#   function has no prototype