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When embedding Lua into an application written in C++, it is pretty much a requirement to compile the Lua library in the C++ mode, to ensure that Lua's error mechanism interoperates properly with C++'s destructors. Lua supports being compiled as C++, and once the compiler is instructed to compile the code as C++, it will automatically use throw/try/catch.

This, however, has a side effect: all of Lua's functions are then defined, in C++ terms, as extern "C++". Which is, unfortunately, a problem when Lua is linked statically [1] and then another C-language library using Lua needs to be linked statically with the same application. Linking such a library (let's call it X) with the rest of the application (containing Lua compiled in the C++ mode) will fail, because the Lua API functions will be decorated according to extern "C++", while X expects extern "C". It may be argued that X could be recompiled as C++, but C and C++ are not fully compatible, sometimes with run-time differences only [2], so this is generally not advisable.

In a project where I had this problem, I resolved it by altering the following definition in luaconf.h:


#define LUA_API extern


#ifdef __cplusplus 
#define LUA_API extern "C"
#define LUA_API extern

As far as I can tell, nothing else is needed to resolve the issue. I suggest that this be incorporated into Lua's official source.

I have thought about another way of fixing this, but I am unsure about its true merit. The try/catch/throw keywords, when compiled in the C++ mode, are only used once each, and in a very simple way, without much dependency on the rest of the library. Therefore, this C++ code can be extracted and placed in a separate file, one with a C++ extension, and only be compiled when the C++ error behaviour is needed. I do not think Lua needs to be compiled as C++ for any other reason. Then the rest of library need only support being compiled strictly as C, which may require less of an effort to ensure C/C++ standard conformance. As stated above, I am not really sure whether the benefit is real.


[1] I emphasise static linking because this is the environment where I encountered the issue. I have not examined the shared/dynamic library case. I expect platform-dependent variance here. I do not think the proposed solution will make the situation worse in this respect.
