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I have just updated LuaSyntaxer on Bitbucket, so that it is now up-to-date with the version used internally by the CodeFlow IDE, presented last week during the Lua Workshop.

Changes in this version include:
- Parser various improvements and fixes; 
- Lua version upgraded to 5.2.4.

What it is:

Lua Syntaxer adds syntax analyzing capabilities to Lua 5.2 at the C API level. 

The internal parser is closely based on Lua's own syntax parser `lparser.c`. This provides a good level of confidence that the Lua syntax structure reported by LuaSyntaxer  will be identical to the interpretation of this program by Lua byte code compiler.

Lua Syntaxer does not build the AST of the analyzed code chunk. It is intended to be a low-level utility on top of which programmers can build an AST with the appropriate structure matching their own needs. As such, Lua Syntaxer can be used for implementing a Lua syntax-aware text editor, a code static analysis tool ...

The source code and documentation can be found here:

Enjoy !
