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On 10 September 2015 at 19:45, Geoff Leyland <> wrote:
>> On 7/09/2015, at 8:58 am, Stefano <> wrote:
>> Hi all…
> mmapfile fails, and appears in error.lua:
>    mmapfile = {
>      ["1-1"] = {
>        module_name = "test",
>        rock_name = "csv",
>        rock_version = "1-1"
>      }
>    },
> I don’t know where the module_name and rock_name come from?

Yes, I concede the variable names could be clearer, as soon as I have
some spare time I'll finish the work on the human-friendly error
reporting webpage.

The above means that there is a module conflict (that's the section it
belongs to) because the Lua rock named 'csv' already reserved the
module directory 'test'.

Please notice that right now conflicts are resolved based not on merit
(this will change) but on lexicographical order as that's how they are
installed, and the first rock that install something under a given
directory (i.e. module) gets hold of it.

The solution would be to make the modules more self-contained, i.e. by
putting the tests in, say, mmapfile/test (same for csv which I guess
is yours as well?).

> log/mmapfile~1-1_out.txt finishes with:
> mmapfile 1-1 is now built and installed in /Users/sp/PrjLocal/luarockstree (license: MIT/X11)
> Which looks good, but I don’t know what to make of /log/mmapfile~1-1_err.txt:
> Warning: skipping dependency checks.
> Cloning into 'lua-mmapfile'...
> Note: checking out '09106dfff060b3d960237e2055a6ae3d5083462c'.
> You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
> changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
> state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
> If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
> do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
>  git checkout -b new_branch_name
> No existing manifest. Attempting to rebuild...
> Missing dependency for mmapfile 1-1: ljsyscall >= 0.9
> Missing dependency for mmapfile 1-1: ljsyscall >= 0.9
> ljsyscall should be available (it passes).

Yes do not worry about this: all Lua rocks are build with dependencies
disabled (I keep track of the dependencies already and I need to
install each rock separately to discover the installed files).

> Any idea what’s up?
> Cheers,
> Geoff
