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what about making backwards compatible change in the future API releases?
Given that responsible API user will need to check the pointer for NULL
anyway (at least in the case above), maybe it would be reasonable to embed
this check in the API and push synthetic empty string in case len is zero
and the pointer is NULL. Either it will be done inside the API or each and
every developer will be forced to write additional wrappers on top of
pushlstring (or write unreliable code)...
This change does not seem to break anything. Just adding this point to
the documentation will force people to, well, read documentation in
some buggy situations like this.

I thought about that. It is not true that "responsible API user will
need to check the pointer for NULL anyway".  I checked all uses of
lua_pushlstring in the standard libraries and some other libraries I
wrote (without knowing that it was wrong to pass NULL): I did not find
a single case that needed that check.  (Even though many places could
call lua_pushlstring with a zero length, none would pass NULL as a
pointer.) To make everybody pay for a check that seems to be rarely
needed is not a good idea. (This is a C API, after all.)

-- Roberto

[Replying from the digest... apologies in advance for any thread

On the question of costly checks, modern CPUs are using pipelined
execution, speculative execution and the like, such that a check for
zero might effectively have no overhead (the instruction could be
retired in parallel with another instruction).  However, this would
vary (and would need to be checked) for quite a number of different

If, however, the zero check causes a pipeline stall (until the
outcome of the check is known), then this could be a significant

Perhaps split the existing call into two cases:

    (a) Known-okay (where wither the caller's parameters can be
        trusted, and/or where the caller (another library function)
        is known to be well-behaved); plus
    (b) A conservative interface (macro?) that checks before it
        calls the known-okay interface;

might give value and reduce surprises.


On a separate note, I'm seeing lots of references to "read the
manual" and/or "read PiL" for 5.2/5.3 questions on this list.
I have a personal aversion to screens, and a preference for paper,
for various reasons, and as a result have several copies of the
second edition from the 5.1 era, of the English versions of both
PiL and of the Reference Manual.

Is there a time frame for an updated paper edition of the
Reference Manual for 5.3 ([perhaps with 5.2 annotations])?

I missed the announcement of PiL, third edition, covering 5.2...
and would like to obtain an updated version covering 5.3.  Is there
a time frame for producing a paper version of PiL for 5.3?


sur-behoffski (Brenton Hoff)
Programmer, Grouse Software