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On 26/06/15 07:27 PM, Sean Conner wrote:
It was thus said that the Great Soni L. once stated:
Lua States (from C) work well for sandboxing. I don't see why we
SHOULDN'T have them available as coroutines. I believe the debug API
should make Lua side just as powerful as C side (at least when it comes
to VM interaction).
   Then wrap Lua up into a module:

	lua = require "lua"

	L = lua.Lnewstate()
But that looks nothing like Lua!

lua = require "lua"

L = lua.newstate() -- Luaism: optionally pass extra arguments for allocator/etc
L:Lopenlibs() -- whatever
local r1, r2, r3 = L:pcall(L._G.f, ...) -- Luaism: varargs. and multiret.


   -spc (Or instead of the entirety of Lua, just enough to sandbox like you
	can in C ... )

Lua is a programming language. You should be able to use it to its fullest extent from itself. You don't need to use assembly to be able to use all of C's features: you can use all of C's features from C itself. Same goes for Java (altho Scala is more powerful), and many other languages. Why should it be different with Lua?

My change also doesn't break any existing code. It also requires you to use the debug library. (Java's reflection = Lua's debug... Well actually Java's reflection > Lua's debug, beause Java's reflection lets you do much more than Lua's debug.)

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