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It was thus said that the Great Coda Highland once stated:
> On Sun, Jun 7, 2015 at 8:17 PM, Sean Conner <> wrote:
> > So, if C (or rather, the C compilers) can tell the difference between an
> > array and a pointer to an array and still use the same syntax, then it
> > should be just as easy (or the same) for C (or rather, the C compiler) to
> > tell the difference between a struct and a pointer to a struct and use the
> > same syntax.  The only reason we have what we have now is historical [1][2].
> Do you really think it's safer to use identical syntax for member
> access when the two types are otherwise handled entirely differently?

  You're talking about arrays, right?  Because it's deadly when you do:


	extern int *foo;


	int foo[256];

even though at the source level, you can use the same syntax, even though
this creates a huge mess rather quickly ... oh wait!  You're talking about
structs!  Silly me.

> If you have two structs, assignment to one can't possibly modify the
> other; if you have two pointers, they might well be pointers to the
> same object. 

  C is trying to solve that problem with restrict [1].  And that sill leaves
the same issue with arrays, with identical syntax:

	foo[4] = 4;
	pfoo[4] = 5;

	/* is foo[4] still 4?  */

So I don't really think the argument along these lines is constructive.

> If you compare two structs, they might be distinct
> objects but look identical; if you compare two pointers, they'll only
> be the same if they refer to the same object. If you assign one struct
> to another one, you have two structs with the same contents; if you
> assign one pointer to another one, you leak memory and have two
> handles to the same data.
> It's not just historical reasons. The two types are FUNDAMENTALLY
> distinct, and the syntax should reflect that, even though the compiler
> clearly knows how to dereference both.

  So are arrays and pointers.  But they aren't treated differently


[1]	Although C++ compilers don't seem to respect restrict.