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This is extremely awesome.


On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 1:17 AM, Soni L. <> wrote:

I'm here to show you how tables aren't actually Lua's only data structure. This is a side-effect of how the language works, so you might consider it a "feature misuse" instead of a data structure, but it works! and that's what matters, no?

I present you Lua's second data structure: The stack.

Usually when you make a stack you use tables, but there's a caveat: tables don't store nil! What if you could trade tables' "infinite" capacity for being able to store nil? Well, you can. With coroutines.

Lua 5.1 added `...` to the language. Given `...` is a stack, you can implement push and pop as follows: To push onto the stack, you just do `f(<value>, ...)`. To pop from the stack, you just do `f(select(2, ...))`. This is the basic idea behind my Forth VM here:

The basic idea is that `...` is the data stack, and the function calls itself recursively with the data stack.

Conclusion: By making a function like:

local function stackmanager(action, value, ...)
  if action == "push" then
    local _action, _value = coroutine.yield()
    return stackmanager(_action, _value, value, ...)
  elseif action == "pop" then
    local _action, _value = coroutine.yield((...)) -- yield only stack top
    return stackmanager(_action, _value, select(2, ...))

You can use coroutines as a revolutionary data structure! With this, Lua doesn't have 1, but 2 data structures. (One could argue strings are also a data structure, and then you'd have 3.)
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