hint 4 readin: imagination keep going foreward and dont skip stuff wich still izn undestood in the whole
sorry 1st i didn read all the messages but my logic gave theze 4 this problem:
- math containz 0 and it made the life better than previously it was, cause we can handle the empty and dead-end thingz not just the existent and continuous thingz, if u name sumtin uve grab it and later u can uze it, if we make a taboo from 0 its okhay 4 us humanz we will kno how to handle stuff without say any zero, but if u dont build it for a comp it wont kno, first u shud delete it from the life science from the end twice of a hundred and from a bit also
- if you want to make a system more abstract u gonna go farer from the platform and go nearer to the ppl. for a programmer its okhay to kno how to handle a 0 and anyway we shud get something for it even if its not a 0 but its eyecandy, the computer gonna work with it in the background anyway and u can define it with any word but its 4 u, but for a computer any longer stuff for the shortest eaziest and most uzed stuff (all the endings, and it can be farer and more only but it will b there...) it wudnt b a good thing to implement it in a longer form. 4 the user give nice rounded colorful buttons and well declared informationz, when u cant go anywhere as far as the program has done its job
- my main concept is if therez a default exit door from anywhere, then we wont stuck and we can terminate to the origin, like orderingz and the uzer, as i thinx its the main goal 4 programming to give the ppl what they wanted, or we still can say we kudnt got it sorry and not stay and wait for a miracle. the other end of the story is we didnt get the end of the road - we are building from the funds and from 0 to be sumthin and not organizing the whole which we can reach by default cuz we dont... <--herez a 0-end 4 u :D
- this exit door is for terminate and give the stuff for the orderer, its the way to the 'outside the box' wich is the main goal for everything, the terminatin. as we dont like infinite cuz its a boring repetitive loop or an undone idle task or a random stuff wich is alwayz different but these endless stuffz makes ppl insane in long term and take their life, or they shud leave it behind without getting or knowing its end and mainly is not what they like. its only good for the reality wherez not needed the magical red button under our hand :) anyway life gonna push it a thouzend times hopefully to give place for our future and chill - slavery is flowering without exit inside any loop!
- in programming every single endin of a tree graph (even if there are circles inside it - but their end can b a 1 for eg) are zeros as i mentioned earlier, wich is the point we shudn make more (longer) stuffz, why would we pollute the codes then with anything else? we also can go forward with a default if its needed to be handled automatized or stuff like, but why we shud build a construction for the ends if we have a default separated, wich gonna be called and wich we are more than abled to do in programming because therefore we have reusable parts namespaces functions circular and callable stuffz, and in Lua where we can make metatables and its so easy for us (poor other programmers ... sigh). thats why programming is for the machines to automatize raw math is for a piece of paper for make a single stuff and every leaf are for the tree for work together parallel - the reason for they are exists is the main angle
- why wud i put anything there, where i dont kno what gonna b or where is actually/still nothing? if theres the possibility to continue a chain we have everything we may need and the comp has no junk. you can put the stuff behind a 0 to the uzerz screen, u can alias it for urself, and u can make ur stuff better if u compile ur stuff and the computer filter ur junk behind the procedures, but i think the perfect way would be if all of us make the valuable info 4 the human and the valuable procedures for the computers strictly separated and linked only (hint: linked root with the same tree and namespaces would b enough 4 make it) - the reazonz behind it are theze mainly: programs dont need our junk at execute, but we need it to go foreward with developing; it can make everything faster and reverzible; we can have then selected sets from it also like maximal minimal default uzer secified or optimized 4 speed space jobs taste anything; and it wont break to small unhandleable disconnected forgotten origined/purposed and even closed stuff as its organized like in apt github luarockz, but these are still not perfect because they alwayz (ok not alwayz...) cut themself off from the origins and start to b individual, but at the rootz wherez a lotsa zeroz and stuff we can compare everything easily cuz therez no too much different implementations for the stuff, like we kno a few methodz 4 the integral calculus and less for an addition - it wud b good to collect organize declare (4 ppl) optimize and make instant developeable compatible reversible and resolveable everything as we are abled to do it, we have everything already made just they are needed to b fully compatible, and the way is to automatically detect and handle diffs and dont cut the roots only put it away where its not needed and even dont try to compare stuff wid different pplz junk mixed wid the raw math, and anyway we have sourcecodes compilers JIT we are abled to do from these an implementation wich is runtime written for computerz strictly or fully surety 4 ppl or both parallel as the situation wishez it
- anyway infinite much programmerz uzin 0 wid workin rezoult and readability comes from the structures, info can come with error msg/code parallel with a 0, or can be read from the background or resolved from the state, if one task can make one failure we can handle it with a single 0 and if it can exist then we shud check it out, we can make check-handle circles and a 0 is enough for it, if we can have various errors in one step or we comin back from a farer journey or a closed system ('black box') and we shud bring a proper error description we need to check and mark it with a 0 or anything else but we shud do before trigger anything depending on our anything we got/xcepted
- its better to get an unambiguous 0 (4 sur im thinkin about nil null none and the stuff like, cuz if we need a number 0 wudnt b cool 4 us as the error/end hotline) than any other value wich can harm our code eazyer wid undetectable problems or give place for the uzr to do thingz like XSS, and if 0 can come we need a handler before we are moving or right after we moved at least a mark that its still not the expected stuff. and if u have an integer in a typed language like C u cant give it a 0 or a string or anything if u still dunno what gonna b there (anyway everything is solveable u can flag it when u start to use it and previously put a randint inside...)
- a few paces where i can see thoze evil zeroz behind the scenes are stuff etc it this that . ... ' ' (<--its a space) univerzal formz unfinnished formz deleted ignored stuff and the like or even behind a smile they are dead ends full stops and terminatin...
pm sry 4 meh gramma buddyz i luw it, fight 4 knowledge :) thx 4 watchin see u next week