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> Where it might be more robust to be compatible with each release with no
> compatibility enabled, I'm not sure I want to maintain all the extra glue in each
> of my packages instead of taking advantage of the existing compatibility options
> in Lua itself.  Unless you think that's a false economy that will eventually make
> more work for me in the long term?

Whatever your decision, just keep in mind that, for us, the
compatibility options are intended to smooth a transition to a new
version. For instance, some incompatibilities are not covered by
these options, and usually they cover just "recent" changes; for
instance, Lua 5.2 removed the support for compatibility with Lua 5.0.
(As a side note, many problems for people migrating from Lua 5.1 to Lua
5.2 were due to features already deprecated in 5.1 but still supported
through those options, which were removed in 5.2.)

-- Roberto