Hi, I had this function: local function myfunc(a,b) -- some code here x = myfunc(y,z) -- more code here return v end Then I changed the name of the function: local function dothing(a,b) But I forgot to change the body! To avoid having to change the function body every time (and to be able to call itself when using local name = function(args)), I propose an operator or keyword or something that returns the same value as "debug.getinfo(1,'f').func"... "What should it be?" good question... I'm not sure... I'd use "self" but that's reserved by the :func() syntax sugar... "function.self" seems interesting but weird/'not-lua'... -- Disclaimer: these emails are public and can be accessed from <TODO: get a non-DHCP IP and put it here>. If you do not agree with this, DO NOT REPLY. |