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I'd say upgrading to a different library is the solution, as LuaInterface seems to be abandoned.

I've detailed your best bets on the previous email, but to give you some elements to choose from:

I'm the author of MoonSharp and with it, it should work with no problem whatsoever. As it's a complete reimplementation you might find very minor differences (and os/io is not there yet); but it should be very easy to use and includes a debugger. It targets Lua 5.2.

I also think KopiLua and NLua will have no problems with that scenario, and they are closer to LuaInterface as far as API goes, so you have a lot less code to change, plus compatibility (w/Lua 5.1) is likely to be higher.

In both cases beware of sharing objects between the two contexts without some very careful attention on your part.

I don't know the others in depth and used them only sporadically, but I don't rule them out to possibly be great choices.

MoonSharp :
NLua/KopiLua :

-- Marco

On 26/11/2014 18:26, Geoff Smith wrote:
Does anyone have some insight into is it possible to run 2 totally independent threads with LuaInterface ? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks