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On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 12:57 AM, Dirk Laurie <> wrote:
If you quickly want a valid thread for testing this,
use debug.getregistry{}[1]. Otherwise, the coroutine
library needs to get in on the act.

You have not possibly been confusing 'thread' and
'level, have you?

Your answer and your analysis was correct. I had managed to let the optional argument of `debug.getinfo` lull me into believing that "thread" meant "level", in the case of the debug library. This was because, in `getinfo` you can use a number for the "2nd" (or first, with no thread) instead of a function. So I thought that I was providing the "thread", which of course makes no sense.

So, thank you for the very thorough answer! One always hopes that they're uncovering someone else's error but that is rarely every the case, with me. :)
