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Behaviour Driven Development for Lua

I am happy to announce release 13 of Specl.

Specl's home page is at

This is an interrim release to provide features required by
specifications of the upcoming releases of luaposix and lua-stdlib.
The APIs of stdlib in particular are in flux, and this release of
Specl is depends on exactly lua-stdlib v40.  I'll release Specl 14
just as soon as lua-stdlib v41 is out, and given the stabilization
in APIs beyond that point Specl 14 will require lua-stdlib v41
**or newer**.  If you don't want to be locked into lua-stdlib v40
until then, and if you can live without the fixes and new features
in this Specl release, I recommend waiting for Specl 14.

If you install Specl v13 anyway, please note that the new badargs
module is still undocumented, and may enjoy some backwards incompatible
improvements before the next release.  `specl.badargs` is my new
favourite time-saving feature though, and you can mine the master
branches of luaposix and lua-stdlib for working examples while you
wait for documentation to arrive.

* Noteworthy changes in release 13 (2014-10-04) [stable]

** New features:

  - Specl's own modules, and modules loaded from spec-file directories
    are now loaded inside the function environment of the running
    example, and so have access to Specl's Lua extensions, such as
    `expect` and matchers.

  - `inprocess.capture` returns a `Process` object, suitable for
    matching using the `` matchers.

  - New `to_raise` matcher as an alias for `to_error` to avoid flagging
    capitalised error messages in error matcher argument with Slingshot
    sanity checks.

  - New programmatic `examples` function for building example groups and
    helper functions directly in Lua, whenever YAML starts to get in the
    way.  See documentation for examples.

  - New `specl.badargs` module provides `format` to generate standard
    argument error messages that can be passed to matchers to ensure
    correct error message formatting:

        expect (posix.write ()).to_raise (format ("write", 1, "int"))

    And `diagnose`, which writes a full set of expectations to check all
    missing, extraneous and badly typed arguments are diagnosed

        - context with bad arguments:
            badargs.diagnose (posix.write "(int, string)")

** Incompatible changes:

  - `inprocess.capture` returns a `Process`, not a pair of strings
    and the call results. Call results are still available in the array
    part of the returned `Process`.

  - Specl now requires latest stdlib v40 to be installed on the module
    path, rather than carrying its own copies of parts of stdlib it wants
    to use.

  - Specl now installs as a selection of library files (in the module
    subdirectory `specl`), and a thin wrapper script that sets up the
    execution environment and then calls `specl.main (arg):execute ()`.
    This simplifies debugging, and remove all the infrastructure for
    expanding `from` macros, and concatenating the resulting sources, as
    well as allowing piece-meal loading of specl modules.

** Bug fixes:

  - Enhanced resolution timers now also work with luaposix > 31.

  - The report formatter would not display subsequent repeats of a
    context description after the first under some circumstances.  It
    now displays context descriptions correctly in that case too.

  - Don't prevent examples from loading a different luaposix than the
    installed default loaded by Specl.  This allows the luaposix specs
    to work in the build tree without priming LUA_CPATH and LUA_PATH
    before calling specl, for example.

  - `inprocess.capture` now supports capturing results of a functable

  - `` matchers now correctly succeed when using `not_`
    prefixes to specify that a `Process` should not contain some error
    or standard output text, and that `Process` stream contains `nil`
    to indicate the stream was not written at all. For example:

      expect (capture (function () print "stdout" end)).
        not_to_contain_error "stderr"

  - After loading system modules it depends on, Specl removes them
    from the Lua module cache so that other versions of those same
    modules (yaml, posix, posix.sys) can use Specl to check their own
    behaviours by loading the to-be-checked versions from

Install it with LuaRocks, using:

    luarocks install specl 13

If the latest rocks are not yet available from the official repository,
you can install directly from the specl release branch, with:

    $ luarocks install \