On 2014-09-26 10:36:32 +0000, Choonster TheMage said:
On 26 September 2014 20:32, Philipp Kraus <philipp.kraus@flashpixx.de> wrote:
I have got a Lua function which is filled by the C API.
function myFunction( ... )
local args = {...}
-- do something with args
return args ?
The args is a table, but I would like to return the arguments in an equal way in which the args are put to the function. My fuction myFunction should be used in this way: a,b,c = myFunction( 1, "test", true ) or
a,b = myFunction( 1, 2 )
How can I do this on the return line?
Thanks a lot
If you want to return the original arguments, just use `return ...`. If you modify the args table in some way and want to return that as a series of values, use table.unpack (unpack in 5.1).
Thanks the "unpack" call works well :-)