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A string describing some compile-time configurations for packages.
This string is a sequence of lines:

The first line is the directory separator string. Default is '\' for
Windows and '/' for all other systems.

2014-09-26 10:06 GMT+02:00 Enrico Colombini <>:
> Does anybody have a recipe for recognizing that a Lua program is being
> executed under Windows?
> Reading the "OS" environment variable does not work before Windows NT (I'm a
> perfectionist...).
> I could open a file in 'w' mode, write a newline, close the file, read it
> back in 'wb' mode and check for \r\n. Requires write access, however.
> Hmm... maybe I could check if arg[-1] starts with '%a%:' and/or if it
> contains a backslash. Would that be reliable?
> --
>   Enrico