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great, thanks for explanation.

I'm aware about the source code; I'll keep on studying the code.

BTW: How to get a contact information to the author?

There is no contact info (name, e-mail) on [].

I'd like to {make | try to make} some improvements to the code (e.g. class non-function members binding in a similar way like LunaFive does; metatable/class registration; single inheritance implementation; ctor allowance; pointer/userdata ownership) but it requires full code understanding.

Best regards,


On Mon, 08 Sep 2014 12:36:02 +0200, Philipp Janda <> wrote:

Am 08.09.2014 um 10:31 schröbte Procházka Lukáš Ing. - Pontex s. r. o.:


I'm trying to understand Lunar<T> code.

In case anyone else is interested, the Lunar source code is here[1] ...

There is still one point I can't understand:

     static int push(lua_State *L, T *obj, bool gc=false) {
         if (!obj) { lua_pushnil(L); return 0; }
         luaL_getmetatable(L, T::className);  // lookup metatable in Lua
         if (lua_isnil(L, -1)) luaL_error(L, "%s missing metatable",
         int mt = lua_gettop(L);
         subtable(L, mt, "userdata", "v"); // WHY THIS???

Lunar creates a metatable for each T; that's clear.

This metatable has also subtable named "do not trash", which contains
keys=userdata for userdata which are to be ignored during GC cycle;
keys in "do not trash" table are weak; obviously.

But - why is there a subtable "userdata" with weak values?
It seems to me it is not used anywhere later, so why?

It is used later in the `pushuserdata` function to map pointers to
objects (as lightuserdata) to full userdata wrapping those object
pointers. This way you can reuse the full userdata and avoid memory
allocation if a suitable full userdata already exists in the Lua state.
The table is weak-valued so that it doesn't prevent the full userdata
from being garbage collected if it isn't referenced anywhere else.



Ing. Lukáš Procházka |
Pontex s. r. o.      | |
Bezová 1658
147 14 Praha 4

Tel: +420 241 096 751
Fax: +420 244 461 038