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> >
> > Yes. Does LuaProc not support 5.2?
> No :-(
> The rockspec says
>      dependencies = {
>        "lua ~> 5.1"
>      }
> and the code doesn't even build for Lua 5.1 without compatibility
> switches on (because it uses `luaL_reg`). I don't know how much work it
> would be to port it to Lua 5.2. I consider libraries not yet ported to
> be unmaintained and stay clear of them if possible, so I only took a
> very brief look ...
> Philipp

Considering that the repository on Github by 'askyrme' (same username as on the old LuaForge, so probably the same author) had its last updates 2 months ago, I'd say it is still maintained, and worth a PR for 5.2 if it hasn't got it in the repo already.
