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Am 01.09.2014 um 06:46 schröbte Rena:
On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 12:41 AM, Philipp Janda <> wrote:
Am 01.09.2014 um 05:29 schröbte Rena:

$ luarocks search proc

Search results:

Rockspecs and source rocks:

     1.0-1 (rockspec) -
     1.0-1 (src) -

$ sudo luarocks install luaproc
[sudo] password for rena:

Error: No results matching query were found.

Am I doing something dumb or is something broken?

Are you trying to build for Lua 5.2 by any chance? It could be that
`luarocks search` doesn't take dependencies into account (and it shouldn't
except *maybe* the Lua version), while `luarocks install` does.


Yes. Does LuaProc not support 5.2?

No :-(

The rockspec says

    dependencies = {
      "lua ~> 5.1"

and the code doesn't even build for Lua 5.1 without compatibility switches on (because it uses `luaL_reg`). I don't know how much work it would be to port it to Lua 5.2. I consider libraries not yet ported to be unmaintained and stay clear of them if possible, so I only took a very brief look ...
