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If it is, then it should be added to this manual section: in the subsection for

People shouldn't search the mailing list, some programming in lua book
or learn patterns in depth enough to come up with this on their own
just for a simple replace without patterns IMHO.

Or instead just a nicely documented plain option. I don't care about
which of the two actually, but it should be something in the reference
manual which is easily found by people looking for it.

The code contest done here on the mailing list is nice and all, but
not necessarily what people should be getting themselves into when
looking for a simple replace().

On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 11:38 PM, Petite Abeille
<> wrote:
> On Aug 21, 2014, at 8:40 PM, Jonas Thiem <> wrote:
>> This isn't C, folks.
> And yet, you vehemently refuse to even consider that, in fact, this humble %p pattern may very well be the answer to you original question and instead insist on some dubious Rube Goldberg concoctions. Go figure. Oh, well… to each their own I guess.