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> One could ask why Lua doesn't include directory manipulation routines, or
> UTF-8 support, or a way to serialize a table and why we all have to reinvent
> all this stuff over and over again.
> I'm begining to think there are a few different classes of people that use
> Lua---one class being the embedders (I'm in that class) where the lack of
> batteries isn't that much of a concern as we're adding scripting ability to
> an existing application (or creating an application with scripting
> capabilities), and another class that uses the example stand alone Lua
> interpreter *as* a language and thus, the lack of batteries is a stumbling
> block.

Indeed, thats what I've been suggesting, in my opinion it would be beneficial if there was a more cleaner line between the absolute language core, its standard library and shelf stuff.

string:gsub should already be considered a shelf thing and not a core thing. Also the complete math table, etc.

the core could be even radicalized to really only include the very basics, string:gsub would be "Lua standard library".

I know one can deselect math, strings and so much in lua config so they do not included, it still on source and project level a kinda mangled thing tough where there could be a separation.