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2014-08-11 14:37 GMT+02:00 Axel Kittenberger <>:

> if you have a project that has config files that are supposed to be "Lua"

I've played with your idea of functions with table-valued arguments,
to make a sort of DSL, but even that is asking too much from a user.

I now do it this way:

local loadfile = loadfile
local params = {}
   local ok, msg = loadfile("config.lua","t",params)
   if ok then ok, msg = pcall(ok) end
   -- check `params` and extract what you can use

Thus "config.lua" is just like an interactive environment
except that the user has no libraries whatsoever. It typically
looks like this:

    year = 2014
    host = "SAF"
    paper = "A1,C3,G5; G1,N3,C5"