In python's Mock module, there's autospeccing thing, you can let the
mock object behave exactly like the object you mocked, like you should have the same args signature. I don't know if there's the same thing in lemock. Now take such situation. public.lua --------------------------------------------------- local M = {} function M.add_internal(a, b) return a+b --add_internal may call some global function, so I should mock add_internal end function M.add(a, b) return M.add_internal(a, b) end return M Then I need to test public.add function, because add_internal may could call some global function, I'd like to mock add_internal function. test.lua --------------------------------------------------- require("lunit") lunit.setprivfenv() lunit.import "assertions" lunit.import "checks" require("lemock") local ut = lunit.TestCase("public.add function test") function ut:test() local public = require("public") mc = lemock.controller() mock_add_internal = mc:mock() package.loaded.public.add_internal = mock_add_internal mock_add_internal(2, 3); mc:returns(5) mc:replay() local result = public.add(2, 3) assert_equal(5, result) mc:verify() end lunit.run() Now take such situation, I modify public.add_internal'code as below: public.lua --------------------------------------------------- local M = {} function M.add_internal(a, b, c) return a+b+c --add_internal may call some global function, so I should mock add_internal end function M.add(a, b) return M.add_internal(a, b) end return M But I leave the test.lua unmodified, the unittest would pass too. Is there a way to solve this problem? |