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General Lua Libraries

I am happy to announce release 40 of stdlib.

This release completes the namespace hygiene changes I've been
working on for the last few releases by factoring the global namespace
and metatable changing features of past releases into a series of
`monkey_patch` functions. See release notes for details.

Take care before upgrading: Because this release breaks backwards
compatibility anyway (due to the namespace hygiene changes), I've taken
this opportunity to remove the majority of remaining deprecated APIs.
Consequently, I plan to keep backwards compatibility with the APIs in
this release for some time (at least a year or two).

stdlib's home page is at

* Noteworthy changes in release 40 (2014-05-01) [stable]

** New features:

 - `functional.memoize` now accepts a user normalization function,
   falling back on `string.tostring` otherwise.

 - `table.merge` now supports `map` and `nometa` arguments orthogonally
   to `table.clone`.

 - New `table.merge_select` function, orthogonal to
   `table.clone_select`.  See LDocs for details.

** Incompatible changes:

 - Core methods and metamethods are no longer monkey patched by default
   when you `require "std"` (or ``, `std.math`, `std.string` or
   `std.table`).  Instead they provide a new `monkey_patch` method you
   should use when you don't care about interactions with other

     local io = require "".monkey_patch ()

   To install all of stdlib's monkey patches, the `std` module itself
   has a `monkey_patch` method that loads all submodules with their own
   `monkey_patch` method and runs them all.

   If you want full compatibility with the previous release, in addition
   to the global namespace scribbling snippet above, then you need to
   adjust the first line to:

     local std = require "std".monkey_patch ()

 - The global namespace is no longer clobbered by `require "std"`. To
   get the old behaviour back:

     local std = require "std".barrel (_G)

   This will execute all available monkey_patch functions, and then
   scribble all over the `_G` namespace, just like the old days.

 - The `metamethod` call is no longer in `std.functional`, but has moved
   to `std.table` where it properly belongs.  It is a utility method for
   tables and has nothing to do with functional programming.

 - The following deprecated camelCase names have been removed, you
   should update your code to use the snake_case equivalents:
   ``, `std.list.indexKey`, `std.list.indexValue`,
   `std.list.mapWith`, `std.list.zipWith`, `std.string.escapePattern`,
   `std.string. escapeShell`, `std.string.ordinalSuffix`.

 - The following deprecated function names have been removed:
   ``   (call `std.list` directly instead),
   `std.list.slice` (use `std.list.sub` instead),
   ``    (call `std.set` directly instead),
   `` (call `std.strbuf` directly instead), and
   ``   (call `std.tree` directly instead).

** Bug fixes:

 - Allow `std.object` derived tables as `std.tree` keys again.

Install it with LuaRocks, using:

    luarocks install stdlib 40

Until the rocks are available from the official repository in a few days,
you can install directly from the stdlib release branch, with:

    $ luarocks install \