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2014-04-17 12:32 GMT+02:00 Ross Bencina <>:

> Lua does well at keeping things small, maybe "all of Unicode" is not as big
> as is assumed? (or maybe it is?)

Disclaimer: what follows is how I understand it. I may understand
it wrong. Please correct me in that case.

For every language that uses characters made on your keyboard
by a compose key or a dead-letter key, there are glyphs represented
by either by a single Unicode character or by two or more characters,
usually those for the keys actually pressed.

Unicode compliance requires that your software recognizes those different
representations as denoting the same thing. There is neither rhyme nor
reason to it, you have to resort to tables. For every language that uses
characters made on your keyboard by a compose key or a dead-letter

(a) That's a lot of tables.
(b) More might be added tomorrow.
(c) Your OS probably already does it, but it's not in C89.