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2014-04-16 21:08 GMT+02:00 steve donovan <>:

> why do people feel a need to modify the global?

This is Phase 4 in the evolution of a Lua programmer.

1. Wow! What an elegant little language. I must get to know it
2. But it's a pity it does not have my favourite feature from
   Python/Ruby/Javascript/... I'll propose an addition to Lua.
3. Can you beat it! Those prats on the list told me to RTFM
   and even to read PiL3. Make me out for a newbie, ME who
   have written thousands of lines of production code.
4. Wow! This business with metatables is really cute! I'll propose
   an extension to the way Lua handles metatables.
5. Can you beat it! Those ...