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Hello, everyone!

Sailor is an MVC web Framework written in Lua. When I decided to learn this language, I wanted to develop something real to speed up the learning curve, and then I started this as a kamikaze project. So far it's doing well and I wanted to share this with you.

It was originally built to run over Apache using mod_lua, but Felipe Daragon has been helping me with compatibility with other servers, among other features. It's already available for download through LuaRocks.

Our main features:
 * Integration with Lua Pages 
 * Lua at client-side
 * Basic ORM
 * Controller routing
 * Validation
 * Basic form generation
 * Include, redirect, cookies, sessions, basic authentication and login
 * Theming/Layouts and Twitter Bootstrap integration
 * Email sending

* More safety measures and session manager review
* Integration with mod_lua's DB API and DB module refactor
* Compatibility with DBs other than MySQL
* More features and improvements to our ORM and form generator

You can find Linux and Windows install manuals on our website ( (that was built with Sailor, of course!)) or on our github repository ( I tested it on Mac, getting Apache from brew, but didn't make a manual yet, sorry! I'm currently working on improving our documentation and building a reference manual, but you can already find a small how-to on our docs.

The license is MIT, use at will! Feedback is much appreciated.

Etiene Dalcol