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2014-03-24 12:18 GMT+02:00 Bernd Eggink <>:

>> In Lua 5.2, a = math.max(1, 2) returned that same double.
> Thanks, I wasn't aware of that.
>> The change in behaviour is that a double with the integer value 2 gets
>> tostring-ed to "2.0", not to "2". You can restore the original behaviour
>> thus:
>>> debug.setmetatable(0,{__tostring = function(x) return ("%.14g"):format(x)
>>> end})

> OK, but I guess I rather replace "math.max(a, b)" by "a > b and a or b",
> which is less tricky, but about 4 times faster.

And works for strings too. Maybe just call it "max" then?