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> This is a work version. An updated reference manual is included but
> all details may change in the final version. See

Nitpick on the manual;

3.4.4 has a list of operators;

> The relational operators in Lua are 
>      ==    ~=    <     >     <=    >=

Where 3.4.2 and 3.4.3 have a list embedded in the text. 3.4.2;

> Lua supports the following bitwise operators: the binary & (bitwise and),
> | (bitwise or), ~ (bitwise exclusive or), >> (right shift), << (left 
> shift), and unary ~ (bitwise not). 

The manual would benefit if all were written the same way, preferably the explicit list of 3.4.4, or even better, a table with names/function, followed by the existing textual explanation e.g.;

> Lua supports the following bitwise operators: 
>   &    bitwise and
>   |    bitwise or
>   ~    bitwise exclusive or
>   >>   right shift
>   <<   left shift
>   ~    (unary) bitwise not 
