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Sean Conner <> [14-03-18 04:56]:
> It was thus said that the Great once stated:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Is there anything in lua like what is available in C:
> > 
> >     static int counter:
> > 
> > (where "int" and "counter" are examples to satisfy the
> > syntax and are not part of the question...;)
>   In what context?  Because "static" has meaning depending upon where it
> appears.
> 	static int counter;	/* 1 */
> 	static int foo(void)	/* 2 */
> 	{
> 	  static int bar;	/* 3 */
> 	}
> 1.	counter has file scope---it's only visible to the file its defined
> 	in, and can't be seen by other compilation units (files).  Its
> 	symbol does not appear in the resulting object or executable file
> 	[1].
> 2.	This is identical to 1, except for a function, not a variable.
> 3.	In this context, "static" means "persistent storage."  The variable
> 	"bar", only visible in function foo(), exists for the lifetime of
> 	the program, not the function, and thus, its contents will remain
> 	across multiple calls to foo().
>   -spc
> [1]	With the possible exception of a special "debug" mode for the
> 	comiler/linker, but that's system dependent.
Hi Sean, 

sorry for being inexact...

I am in search of a way to create a variable in the scope of a
function which is persistent i.e. does not loose it content over
several calls of its funtion.

best regards,