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> I think I was one of the group asking for os.exit() to accept a
> boolean in 5.2 so it feels like it changed a lot to me (hah).  I
> frequently wrapped that, along with table.concat() to do a tostring()
> on its elements.  5.2 brought many welcome changes -- I still wish you
> could associate userdata-to-userdata with set/getuservalue(), though
> :-)

We will get that in 5.3.

> Coroutines isn't my name, no.  I was going by Sir Pogsalot
> ( and I also go by Sleepy_Coder on #lua on
> Freenode. :>  Frequently making an embarrassing spectacle of myself,
> sometimes I have a good problem to ask lua-l though. :-)  Why?

Maybe it is just because I am old, but I like to know the real name of
someone whom I am talking to (unless there is a good reason otherwise).

-- Roberto