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Dirk Laurie <> [14-03-11 18:43]:
> 2014-03-11 19:25 GMT+02:00  <>:
> > And I will do it in pure Lua since this is the
> > reason why I do this in pure Lua! ;)
> Do programs that contain
>      lpeg = require"lpeg"
> count as pure Lua?

Hi Dirk,

with "pure Lua" I meant, that all code which runs
is Lua script. 
It is a complete personal opinion of a neerd. It is
not reality related or somehow reasoned.
Its like the feeling of not wanting a swiss army
knife with a Nike logo on it. It does not harm the
I like C when I program in (pure) C. And I like Lua.
As much as I like C.
Currently I want pure Lua code ;)

Best regards,