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Le 1 mars 2014 à 10:25, Xavier Wang <> a écrit :

> a multi-version of lua_remove is very most important -- to implement a proper vaeriosn of lua_removevalues need careful, a loop of lua_remove will cause O(n^2) behavior :-(

Le 1 mars 2014 à 13:36, Roberto Ierusalimschy <> a écrit :

> (lua_remove and lua_insert, however, due to their non-constant cost,
> may be worth considering.)

From my experience after writing 25K lines of code using intensively the Lua C API, actually lua_remove (range) would be a valuable addition.

In effect, it corresponds to a real and rather common use case where:
- you want to push several "result" values to the stack,
- for this you need to compute a number of intermediate stuff like table references and so push these intermediate values in the stack
- you compute your "result" values that are located at the top of the stack
- you need to remove the intermediate values from the stack in order to leave it in a clean non-leaking state

IMHO no other additional stack operation is really needed.
