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On 23/02/2014 15.14, Andrew Starks wrote:
A small suggestion:

Make the output legal lua code.
Example: "--#"

Nice idea, it would make reparsing easier.
Speaking of reparsing, the output could be valid Lua source, using a semicolon to separate the sequence part from the generic part:

  [1] = 'monday',
  [2] = 'tuesday',
  [3] = 'wednesday',
  [4] = 'thursday',
  [5] = 'friday';
  ['wednesday'] = 3,
  [100] = { --[[ table: 00468538 ]] },  -- (uhm...)
  ['monday'] = 1,
  -- (etc.)

... but I have no idea how to properly handle the subtable (I knew I was biting more than I could chew).
And that's probably a good reason why there isn't a table printer :-)
