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On Fri, 31 Jan 2014 08:29:01 -0800
Milind Gupta <> wrote:

> Thanks for the info. I was looking at the DBI google project page. In the
> examples it still seems you use some SQL to do operations. My aim for
> example is something like this:x =
> x.key1 = {a= "hello world", b=12}
> x.y = 23
> x.qwerty = true

DBI doesn't do this, it's much like LuaSQL. What I was talking about
does what you are asking but is currently unreleased code, a module I
call SqlTable. I'll try to push it out this weekend.

It basically does this:

==== code ====

-- select
local row = sql_table[25]

-- insert
sql_table[ ] = { a = 1, b = true, c = "stringy" }
local key = sql.last_insert_id(sql_table)

-- update
sql_table[ key ] = { b = false }

-- delete
sql_table[ key ] = nil

-- iterate rows
for key, row in sql.where( sql_table, "b = true" ) do

==== /code ====

There is more, such an 'escape valve' that lets you write raw SQL, plus
a some helper functions for common operations. Part of the reason I
never got it out was getting it documented.

> NOTE: Here myDB is a database with a defined structure (defined by calling
> the createDB function by passing it a template table previously) having a
> table with columns key1 (table) and y (number) and another table with
> columns a (string),b (number)
> Now doing x:save() saves the table x into the database and so it is
> possible to do this:
> y ='myDB')
> print(y.key1)   -- table: 0001234
> print(y.y) -- 23
> print(y.key1.a)  -- "hello world"
> print(y.qwerty) -- true    (even though not originally defined in the DB
> structure still it preserves the value)
> is it possible to use DBI the same way?

Again, LuaDBI doesn't do this. Sorry for the confusion.

My module only handles querying and manipulating data. It wouldn't be
hard to add, just was never in scope.

> Another thing is that when accessing the values only the relevant values
> from the database are read and cached and the whole table does not need to
> be present in the memory for accessing the table.

Any hit to one of the controlled tables results in a SQL query. There's
no caching whatsoever in the current version - I haven't run into
performance issues, so no need to improve it yet ;)

Aaron B. <>