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Suggestion, mimic a serialise data format.

Given the codas about security and all the other stuff a simple version
Put that is a library file and include, adds table.loadfile and

Or mimic the easy to understand data format yourself. (ie. save a table
and eyeball the file, you have the load code)

On 25/01/2014 19:01, jseb wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to create a table, which contains sub-tables, from a file.
> Here is my test file:
> $ cat table.txt 
> foo = { "value foo 1", "value foo 2", name="i'm foo"}
> bar = { "value bar 1", "value bar 2", name="i'm bar"}
> And here is my Lua source file:
> $ cat do_table.lua 
> #!/usr/bin/env lua
> local t={}
> for line in io.lines("table.txt") do
>   t[#t+1]={line}
> end
> for _,subtable in pairs(t) do
>   for k,v in pairs(subtable) do
>     print(k,v) 
>   end
> end
> If i launch this script, i get this:
> $ ./do_table.lua 
> 1       foo = { "value foo 1", "value foo 2", name="i'm foo"}
> 1       bar = { "value bar 1", "value bar 2", name="i'm bar"}
> but that's not what i expected.
> I want to have this, instead:
> 1       foo = table 0x12345689
> 2       bar = talbe 0x23456780
> Is this a problem of interpretation of the line i read ?
> Thank you.