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Good news everyone,

I'd like to announce, a luajit binary + source
distribution and module repository hosted on github:

Main characteristics:

PORTABLE: no install, just unzip and run
MODULAR: separate repo for each module
ON GITHUB: fork/pull-request workflow
NO DIRECTORIES: all modules in a single directory
BINARIES: get code running in minutes
SOURCES & BUILD SCRIPTS: upgrade it yourself
PACKAGE DATABASE: self-maintaining, auto-generated
DOCUMENTED: online & offline, based on pandoc-enhanced markdown
FREE: public domain

It's fresh from the oven (both the idea and the implementation) so I'm
not quite sure if it will work, or even if it's a viable way of doing
things or not (it's based on my way of doing things for the last 2
years). I'm throwing it out there though and I will greatly appreciate
any feedback you can give me.

Thanks and Enjoy!

PS: For those of you who know, the code is more/less the
same but the delivery has improved with the new website, the move to
github and the new reflection library that is making the package
database possible.